On Sun, 22 Aug 2004 15:24:30 +0900, Raj Feridun
<rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> brought down from the Mount tablets

>On Sun, 22 Aug 2004 09:52:26 +0900, Michael Cash
><mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote:
>>>But then again I'm not so surprised since Zell Miller IS a yellow dog
>>>(aka elephant in donkey's clothing). 
>>Should I read that to mean "All Democrats must toe the party line.
>>Difference of opinion is not tolerated"?
>No, you should read it as "Zell Miller is about as right-wing as you
>can get in the Democratic Party so it is no surprise that Limbaugh has
>kind words for him." He's far from a "liberal". 

But that wasn't your question, Raj.

"How about a living Democrat?" was your question. All I can do is
answer your question they way you ask it.

>>Jeez, Raj...better watch it or you'll find yourself sounding like a
>>knee-jerk intolerant hypocritical Republican.
>I just can't stomach hypocrisy. I respect Limbaugh a HELL of a lot
>more than I do say Bill O'Reilly for example. At least Limbaugh cops
>to being a Republican and doesn't pretend to be an "independent".

"Cops" to it? You say that as though it were something to be ashamed
>Still, he's basically a mouthpiece for the G.O.P. and needs to quit
>trying to sell himself as non-partisan with all his Democratic
>"idols". Rush is to the Republicans as Michael Moore is to the

I thought I already pointed this out many times. Rush doesn't try to
sell himself as non-partisan. He's very up front about it.

I'm not quite sure how his G.O.P. puppet masters felt about the sharp
criticism he heaped on GW Bush over campaign finance reform, or about
the blasting he has given other incumbent Republican politicians in
the past, but if you insist he is nothing but a nouthpiece for them, I
won't argue it.


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College