On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 20:42:12 +0900, Eric Takabayashi
<etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:

>Raj Feridun wrote:

>> I just take folks as individuals and try not to stereotype. It's a simple
>> way that's served me well so far.

>Very well then. It would be safe to say that 99% of Japanese INDIVIDUALS are
>not helping the poor, and 100% of any INDIVIDUALS before me, had not provided
>much of what I did, because about half didn't have things like candles,
>toothbrushes, combs, razors, towels, or winter socks. And 100% of INDIVIDUAL
>local public officials are not helping the homeless, because there is no
>shelter for them despite winter approaching.

I applaud your efforts at helping the homeless. I think your actions
are inspirational.

>I'd also like you to point out what is "Japan" hating about my post, which I
>spare people of other nations and nationalities.

It's the broad generalizations, Eric. The 99% thing is a good example.
I have never seen a homeless person in the city I reside in down here
not that they don't exist. I'm certain they do. Japanese people I know
DO help each other though and ARE giving and even (drumroll, please)

But when you say you're the first person to ever offer help, kindness
and assistance to the homeless in the history of modern Japan pardon
me if I say I just don't believe it. Incidentally I take it these
homeless individuals you help are Japanese, right?? Does their
homeless status somehow exempt them from the unkind, ignorant
characterization of their brethren?
