Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
> Dan Rempel wrote:
>> Jim Breen wrote:
>>> Dan Rempel wrote:
>>>> gtr wrote:
>>>>> Okinawan music, I assume.  Modern or more tradtional or what?  ......
>>>> More-or-less traditional Okinawan sanshin stuff, although my
>>>> understanding is even amongst the old-timers 'tradition' is a very
>>>> flexible term.
>>> I'm looking forward to your first 三線 CD    8-)}
>> I'm thinking of offering it to 7-11s as part of their "Jay and Silent
>> Bob Removal" campaign...
> Japanese 7-11s have a problem with stoned mutes?

Probably not, but the North American outlets may be interested in my
medley of David Lindley favourites.


Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.  It's already
tomorrow in Australia.
                -- Charles Schultz