On Mar 24, 8:21 pm, Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nur...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> We must ban skydiving now to prevent this catastrophe!!!
> Red Alert!!!

I realize this was a troll but it may not have the effect you want
other than Federal computer experts back tracking you and then
Interpol the FBI, homeland security or the NSA knocking on your door
with a search warrant and drawn weapons. tsk tsk tsk....I thought your
approach was funny but many over sensitive type A USPA members won't
and the Government is rather touchy about terrorist talk (foreign or
domestic) or even jokes about it (foreign or domestic) tsk tsk tsk-----
>It would be a shame because you gave me a opening to jump in and
needle Jerry K. Who can't answer because Lodi Mike has chewed on his
snotty young butt & clued him in I get off on jerking punks chains to
watch them whine and cry----Because you have amused me it seems my
sense of humor is odd also..My concern is for you, if you in fact are
not an American citizen, you may not be protected by the First
Amendment, dunno I'm no Constitutional lawyer, just retired and well
read. No need to worry about Going to Gitmo its closing "Thats the
good news"--The bad news is they can farm you out to another secret
prison....Perhaps in a country that does not believe in human rights,
where torture is an accepted practice----A few ugly Americans like
Cheny who think killing a occasional terrorists to get information is
a good tool do have contacts with 3rd world states you know and a
fleet of unnumbered CIA aircraft to fly people we may not like or
consider enemy's of the state around till we find just the friendly
country that has no rule against water boarding or electroshock
therapy!  Have a nice life punk! 0~;)