"Fred Liken" <nothanks@toocoolforschool.com> writes:

> Specifically I said AREN'T serious.

Whoops, sorry, but my other points stand on their own, my misreading
of one sentence of your post aside.

> BTW, where is this 40 dollar three port gigabit router?  I'm very interested 
> in purchasing it, my silly friend.

Why in the name of the Goddess would a home user who isn't serious
about networking need a gigabit router? Broadband might be getting
more common, but the pipes certainly aren't that large.

> You're quite arrogant for being this ignorant.

Thanks, I like to get more than one bird with one stone.

> The PS2 is on all the time.  The PS3 will be on all the time as well.  Quit 
> being silly. 

My PS2 isn't on all the time. It's a device that includes a motor for
driving rotating media, and most games these days read the disc even
when "idle" for animation or music. Leaving it on when not in use
reduces the effective lifetime of moving parts, and _that_ is being

> That "$40 dollar gigabit router" you quoted would be on all 
> the time as well.  It's a moot point.

Ignoring the "gigabit" thing, the $40 router is a solid-state device
that is _designed_ to be on 24/365. The point is hardly moot.

> It was pretty obvious that the networking wasn't going to be handled by the 
> PS3 processor.

So how was it going to be handled? Routing takes more work than being
a client, doesn't it? Enlighten me in my ignorance.

> And, tech support is a moot point as well.  It doesn't matter if
> Sony wants to do tech support or not as to wheither it's a good
> thing for the PS3 to have for the consumer or if it makes sense.

Wow, syntax like that, and you call me ignorant? Make more of the
funny, please.

> Oh, BTW, please don't be an obstinate git and just get over the fact that 
> I'm right on this one. 

I would, if you were, but you're not, so I won't.


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int main(c,v)char *v;{return !c?putchar(*   /* cc -o sig sig.c */