On Oct 8, 8:41 am, chuckers <chucker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Oct 6, 7:38 pm, Declan Murphy <declan_mur...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > On Oct 6, 9:18 am, chuckers <chucker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [edit]
> > > As mentioned, he is still quite miffed that his arch-enemy, Tony
> > > Lazlo, got a movie deal
> > > whereas no one even bothered to look at his book.
> > Did you go and watch the movie btw?
> Now that you mention it, I probably did state that I would go see it
> for the sole purpose
> of pissing off the Debito, didn't I?

I can't remember what you wrote, but think if that was the purpose
then it would be a pretty silly reason. It wasn't a great movie, the
look and feel of it was "made for tv".

> As it happens, I didn't go see it.  Word of mouth of it hasn't been
> all that great and
> familial obligations have kept me out of a movie theatre since Episode
> III many long years
> ago.  The books are probably better, anyway.  Maybe if/when it comes
> to television I will
> try to squeeze some time in to watch it.

The books are better. I guess the production budget for the flick was
fairly limited (like the cast, especially the dancing bear chosen to
play Tony, though he did "allright" considering it was his first film
in any language) and the marketing of the product was always going to
be risk averse. Worth watching on small screen with a beer or two
though. As usual, I laughed in all the scenes where nobody else did,
not just when there were subtitle issues.