Declan Murphy <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Michael Cash wrote:
> > On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 19:58:05 +0900, Declan Murphy
> > <> belched the alphabet and kept on going
> > with:
> > 
> >>Michael Cash wrote:
> >>
> >>>On 30 Jul 2003 22:44:14 -0700, Brett Robson <> belched
> >>>the alphabet and kept on going with:
> >>>>"Wherever you go, you carry a message of hope - a message that is ancient and
> >>>>ever new. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, 'To the captives, come out, and to
> >>>>those in darkness, be free."' President Bush II exhorting his soldiers on their
> >>>>Crusades.
> >>>
> >>>So I take it you think freeing the Iraqi people from the Hussein
> >>>regime was a bad thing? Or are you just anti-Bush no matter what?
> >>
> >>I think Brett's sig is from - see "America Is a 
> >>Religion"
> >>
> >>Sepponia made Hussein who he was, supported him despite everything he 
> >>did, and despite media reports to the contrary, nobody in Iraq is free 
> >>yet. I can't speak for Brett re Sepponia's dear leader, but I have 
> >>relatives and friends serving in harms way in Iraq (both in the US 
> >>military and in others), and not only do I think they should have gone 
> >>there under the circumstances in which they did, I want them home ASAP.
>  >
> > And Britain appeased Hitler, making one less impediment in his path.
> Aye. Amongst many others too. People like Lindbergh were more common on 
> both sides of the Atlantic than post war "we were all anti-fascist" 
> accounts tend to suggest. Without Pearl Harbor, I've often wondered 
> whether the third reich might not still exist in one form or other. For 
> all his efforts, its hard to see how FDR could have declared war on 
> Germany before 1943 or so.
> > Sepponia very likely bears some similar guilt. Does that make coming
> > along afterwards and getting the living skeletons out of the camps any
> > less a good deed?
> Of course. If our troops could manage to remove torture, assassination, 
> human rights abuses and the gun from politics then its never to late to 
> undo past mistakes. I simply doubt that they can. That is one serious 
> screwed up country.
> > If you forgot a "not" in the next to last line, though, my opinion on
> I did indeed forget a "not". That post was unfortunately sent 
> pre-dinner. Starving Iraqi children notwithstanding, a man has to 
> remember his priorities. It was a nice lasagna with a drop of chianti in 
> case you're wondering.
> > the matter largely resembles yours. Anybody who thinks those people
> > will either create or maintain anything resembling a democracy
> > probably forgot to exhale.
> I think the most likely scenario is that ordinary Iraqis will find when 
> the dust settles that one CIA backed, totalitarian government of thugs 
> dishing out contracts to Halliburton etc will have been replaced by a 
> CIA backed, totalitarian government of thugs dishing out contracts to 
> Halliburton etc.

Kevin, why bother replying?

Reading books, watching latest movies, & riding my bike are things I do everyday.
Just need something else-communication
