"Kay" <nospam@nos.com> wrote in message
> "USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in
> news:M1YLa.415$KJ4.39@newssvr32.news.prodigy.com:
> >
> > "Kay" <nospam@nos.com> wrote in message
> > news:Xns93A9AFCC68725nospamnoscom@
> >> "min10011" <min10011@hotmail.com> wrote in
> >> news:D8iHa.145708$h42.62127@twister.nyc.rr.com:
> >>
> >> > That is so true.  Matsuda's selective documentation is as specious
> >> > as the ones that the PRC produces to declare that more than 30
> >> > million Chinese died during the Japanese occupation.  He has
> >> > conjured up a little fantasy that Japan had committed no wrong and
> >> > indeed had noble intentions.  The idiotic likes of USA@aol.com buy
> >> > into the fantasy until they hear that the attack on Pearl Harbor
> >> > was a justified "pre-emptive" strike.
> >>
> > Oh I'm sorry Kay...I missed this one. You know, you keep attacking me
> > posts all over the place
> > including ones in which I am not a participant, so it's really hard to
> > keep tabs on all the bad-mouthing
> > of me that you are doing.
> > I have NEVER said that Japan comitted no wrongs. Doesn't the fact that
> > I have been arguing that
> > the Japanese killed more Chinese people than Koreans PROVE that
> > point???? Or do you, like grunt, believe that Chinese people are not
> > worthy of being counted as people???
> > And now that you bring it up, yes the Pearl Horbor attack was
> > justified from te viewpoint of the
> > Japanese, but not from our (AMerican) point of view.
> > I suppose you are going to re-write/paraphrase this into something
> > completely different now
> > since that's what you do being the retarded monkey that you are.
> Dear, dear, dear USA, as usual, you are proving
> you have reading impediment problem and barking
> at a wrong tree.
> If you know how to read, you would notice that the
> the post you are so mad about is by min10011, not
> Kay.  Can you tell the difference between "kay" and
> "min?"  "Kay" starts with a letter K; "min" starts
> with "m."
> Do I expect an apology from you?  There is a "first
> time" in everything.  (DWS)
> Or, will I get another truck-load of profanity for
> telling you the truth?
You are right. I made an error. It was indeed min1011 who wrote:
"The idiotic likes of USA@aol.com buy
into the fantasy until they hear that the attack on Pearl Harbor
was a justified "pre-emptive" strike."
It was not you.
I Apologize.