On 14 Dec 2006 16:08:37 -0800, "AirRaid" <AirRaid1500@gmail.com>

>So now the question becomes, what system gets Dragon Quest 10?  A game
>which will no doubt be on one of the Japanese consoles: PS3 or Wii.

See, here's another part of the problem, one that makes it even more
obvious that Squenix is just doing it for the money.  If they really
cared about the new gameplay opportunities present on the DS, then
they would stick to it (or its successor) for DQX.  Going back to
consoles would prove that Squenix just wants some quick cash.

>If PS3 gets DQ10, then its a tie between Nintendo and Sony, each
>getting one main DQ game. however if DQ10 comes out on Wii instead of

No, I think Sony would win in that case.  Never mind the fact that
FF13 is coming out on the PS3; DQ9 being on the DS isn't nearly as
much of a coup for Nintendo as DQ9 being on the Wii would have been.
The DS doesn't need the help.



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