Team Ninja Plans More For Xbox
The maker of Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive is still working on the current 
by Anoop Gantayat
May 3, 2005 - Think Dead or Alive Ultimate was the last you'll see of Team 
Ninja on the current generation Xbox? Think again. Team Ninja Leader (that's 
his actual position) Tomonubo Itagaki may have said in a December interview 
with IGNXbox that DOAU would likely be the last Team Ninja game before the 
talented developer moves onto Xbox 360, but comments in an interview 
featured in the latest issue of Japan's monthly Famitsu Xbox publication 
indicate different.

"We currently have a number of games in development for the current system," 
reveals Itagaki. "At the very least, we think we can release another two 
games for the Xbox."
While Itagaki won't reveal specifics on the games in development for the 
current generation, instead promising details to emerge next month (which, 
given the timing of the interview, probably means this month's big E3 
event), comments elsewhere in the interview give us some clues.

"We have two promises that we have to fulfill on the current Xbox," explains 
Itagaki. "One is the Ninja Gaiden Hurricane Pack Series, which includes 
content that can only be played via download, being released as a 'Perfect 
Edition' so that Offline players can also play. Another is Dead or Alive 
Code Cronus, which was announced at the 2003 TGS (Tokyo Game Show)."

Itagaki later admits that one of these two promises cannot be fulfilled on 
the current generation and all but flat-out-states that Code Cronus is the 
one that's been bumped up to the Xbox 360. That leaves us with the strong 
possibility of Ninja Gaiden Perfect Edition joining at least one more title 
as Team Ninja's swan song for the current generation.

This doesn't mean that Team Ninja is holding back on the Xbox 360, of 
course. Elsewhere in the interview, Itagaki states that next generation 
development is taking up 90% of Team Ninja's time. Regarding himself in 
particular, 99% of his time is being spent on Dead or Alive 4, which is now 
in deveopment for Xbox 360.

We're expecting some big Team Ninja announcements early next week from E3, 
so keep checking back here at IGNXbox and at our new Xbox 360 channel.