On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 12:10:02 GMT, Ed Conrad <edconrad@verizon.net>

>For 25 years I’ve known something that millions upon millions of
>people don’t know -- or can’t possibly comprehend.
>That’s because they’ve been brainwashed by the "experts" with
>the alphabet soup at the end of their names..
>The plain, simple fact is that there isn’t a scintilla of physical
>evidence backing up the Theory of Evolution, although members
>of the Scientific Establishment maintain a wealth of such evidence

Mo Ron?  Is that you?  Have you been collaborating with Lou Ser again?

Evolution is a confirmed, undeniable fact.  It is wielded by god, a
confirmed undeniable fact.  he is quite evil indeed.  Yet another
confirmed undeniable fact.  Wether or not you or anybody wishes to
acknowledge such facts, instead of living in a fairy world is your
business.  Please do not force us to live in there with you.

PS The Theory of evolution concerns how it works, not doe sit work. It
works.  That's a confirmed undeniable fact.  It's the how and why
we're lost on.  Like coffee creamer.