Hey, look what's happened to our Halls of Learnin'
Just more proof added that we're filled with vermin.
Ed's putting so many NAILS in our coffin
We try like hell but we just can't stop 'em.
Yep, we're scared stiff, which is why we're squirmin'.
First let me say THIS about THAT (the Evolution vs. Intelligent Design
court case in Harrisburg, Pa):
Despite the wild, baseless rhetoric uttered by members of the
Scientific Establishment -- in or out of court -- there is STILL not
one shred of physical evidence confirming that evolution is correct.
Ask for it and you WON'T get it because it simply does not exist.
Evolutionists have a pipe dream, maintaining such physical evidence
abounds, and they're doing so not so much to protect an erroneous
paradigm but to protect their vested interests.
Let  them say a single word that evolution "may not" be correct
and -- Bingo! -- they realize they'd be blackballed from ever again
having a nice soft ass-kissing position within the scientific
community. They'd most likely wind up selling apples on the corner.
> http://www.edconrad.com/canals/edisonnewquote.gif
> http://www.edconrad.com/canals/hooton.gif
> http://www.edconrad.com/oldascoal/images/krogquote.gif
> ===================================
> The shoe fits, so I suppose I'll have to wear it: 
> "An odd individual certainly, often without 
>  scientific credentials, cantankerous and 
>  eccentric, yet he possesses certain assets 
>  that go unnoticed . . . he need not worry 
>  about losing face with his colleagues for, 
>  more usually than not, the poor fellow 
>  has none . . . 
> "The gifted amateur has no rosy bubble 
>  to break and is often regarded as a fool 
>  to begin with: he can afford to dally. His 
>  livelihood is not dependant upon his success 
>  or failure and, lacking credentials, he does 
>  not fear losing what he does not possess."
>                                                                 -- Seth 
> ==================================
Now let us begin...
Maestro, some Corruption Music, please.
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/ID/adcrypt.gif 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/SimplyMagic/TightFit.jpg 
> http://www.edconrad.com/oldascoal/index.html 
> http://www.edconrad.com/oldascoal/page2.html 
> http://www.edconrad.com/oldascoal/page3.html 
> http://www.edconrad.com/oldascoal/page4.html 
> http://www.edconrad.com/oldascoal/cmon.html 
> ======================================== 
>   (Petrified Coal-Age Bones, Teeth and Soft Organs) 
< (A golden rule of geology is that coal is a minimum of 280 
 million years old, dating back to the Carboniferous Period.) 
>  (Many Specimens Found After Web Page Constructed) 
Photos show a petrified human femur embedded in slate 
that was excavated during an open-pit mining operation 
in Pennsylvania's anthracite region: 
>  http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/z8femur.jpg 
>  http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/D24x/z7femur.jpg 
> ======================================== 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/FINGER/FINGERSx.jpg 
   (during Power Point presentation in Switzerland) 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Newpix2/MVC-006S.JPG 
Two Petrified Human Skulls (one embedded in boulder) 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Smith/z11calv.jpg 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/skullb.jpg 
Handcarved Tool/Weapon Handle (Turned to Anthracite) 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Tool/MVC-001S.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Tool/MVC-002S.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Tool/MVC-003S.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Tool/MVC-004S.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Tool/MVC-005S.JPG 
Other Petrified Specimens 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/newtibia.jpg 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/ID\MVC-005S.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/z5gall.jpg 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/z9lung.jpg 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/brain/MVC-001S.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/1tooth.jpg 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/ID/premolar.jpg 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Newpix3/z3dino.jpg 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/ID/MVC-013F.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Day/MVC-005S.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/ID\MVC-017S.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Scorpion/MVC-010S.JPG 
 > http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Scorpion/MVC-020S.JPG 
Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Smith1/MVC-008S.JPG 
American Medical Laboratories 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/ID\MVC-024S.JPG 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/ID\MVC-002S.JPG 
CATscan on petrified premolar
> http://www.edconrad.com/oldascoal/images/graph.gif
Scanning Electron Microscopy on petrified tibia
> http://www.edconrad.com/canals/sem.jpg
Presence of Haversian canals (Photo of tibia ground section)
> http://www.edconrad.com/oldascoal/images/proof1.jpg
> =========================================
>                  TIME TO EAT HUMBLE PIE
This is the HubbleTelescope's 2004 ultra view photo, one
that was taken of a totally blackened sky as if through an
EIGHT-FOOT STRAW. Result: galaxies upon galaxies upon
galaxies, meaning that our universe is far bigger than we
can even begin to fathom.

>  Ed Conrad 
> http://www.edconrad.com 
    Man as Old as Coal (and probably a whole lot older) 
American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology and
Education Quarterly, Anthropology and Humanism, Archaeological
Publications of the American Anthropological Association, Cultural
Anthropology, Ethos, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, Medical
Anthropology Quarterly, NAPA Bulletin and PoLAR: The Political and
Legal Anthropology Review, American Association of Physical
Anthropologists Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center Emory
University American Academy of Arts and Sciences American Assn
for the Advancement of Science American Association of Anatomists
American Anthropological Association American Journal of Physical
Anthropology American Medical Association American Museum
of Natural History American Society for Investigative Pathology
American  Society of  Human Genetics Federation of American Scientists
HMS Beagle Journal of Evolutionary Medicine Scholarly Journals Life
Sciences The Missing Link AJPA Biological Anthropology  General Links
Ancient Life Center: Early Man Anthropology Canadian Association for
Physical Anthropology Fossil Hominids Mankind Quarterly Multi Habitat
Hypothesis of Human Evolution Scientific American American Board of
Forensic Anthropology American Journal of Pathology American Society
for Clinical Pathology American Society of Cytopathology American
Society for Investigative Pathology Annals of Chemical Biochemistry
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Association for Molecular
sci.med.pathology sci.anthropology sci.anthropology.paleo
sci.bio.evolution sci.anthropology sci.archaeology.paleo
< ========================================
> Also: David Iain Greig, moderator of talk.origins, who has blackballed 
> me from posting to that sci group (after thousands of postings). This
> is in DIRECT violation of the charter and bylaws of talk.origins and the
> International Internet Commission (INC) has a duty to investigate, then
> string him up by his balls..