On Jul 30, 6:25 am, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> John W. wrote:
> > On Jul 29, 1:34 am, Jim Breen <jimbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Looking forward to some useful contributions.
> > Yet you still posted here.....  :)
> > (Sorry, it's been slow around here lately.)
> Yeah, and I even self-censored my reply that this posting did not:
> 1.  Tell how many DVDs are in the set.
> 2.  Give the number of illustrations.
> 3.  Hint at how many of them included women in swimming suits or less.
> 4.  Tell how soon I could be speaking, reading, and picking up girls in
> Japanese.
> 5.  Provide any tips on how to talk to maids at anime cafes in Akihabara.

And on a serious note Jim, the work you have done over the years has
been brilliant, is much appreciated, and has made a significant
difference to many of us, our colleagues, and students. Worthy of a
small donation methinks.

And now back to less serious notes.