japanskeptic@yahoo.com (X Japan) wrote in message news:<91182238.0403071444.5d079910@posting.google.com>...
> Michael,
> You are way out of your league in your response, pal. Step into my
> shoes for ONE MINUTE.. things are not as easy as you make them seem.
> For the sake of the CHILDREN I have not called the cops, if only
> because if I take the dramatic measure of having her go to jail, the
> two kids will likely grow up without, a): their mother, or b): their
> father. Or worse yet, social services will take my kids away from her
> AND ME. I am trying to make this marriage work for the sake of the
> children.
Great. All the while you're letting them get abused. You're a real

> So my last resort is the cops, but that is a drastic step.
> Remember: I am a father. There are NO RESOURCES FOR FATHERS in the
> situation of having a female spouse doing the child abuse. NONE. NADA.
> The system is set up against the dads.
You are sorely misinformed.

> > Have you just "threatened" to call the cops? Or have you had her led
> > away in handcuffs and booked? Big difference. An oft-repeated but
> > never enacted threat is worse than useless.
> How do I get her led off in cuffs if the slapping shows no marks or
> bruises? Ditto for screaming. The abuse is more psychological than
> physical... it's extremely difficult to prove.
If you call child and family services they'll remove the kids first
and ask questions later.

> Look into what my rights as a father are (not many), and you will
> understand why I don't want to fight this battle in courts or the
> social worker offices. I asked for help or advice, not judgement or
> condemnation.

You're reading too much between the lines. If you allow your children
to be abused, you're a bad father, period. I know it's tough, I know
it's not an easy thing to do, but think of this: if your wife gets
mental enough and returns to Japan with the kids, not only will they
still be abused but they'll be abused in Japan, where the law will
probably never do anything about it and you DEFFINITELY have no
rights, both because you're a father and you're a gaijin. Double

Save your kids and go someplace else with them. Then call a lawyer and
get a restraining order on your wife until she gets help. You can do
that, and it's not hard at all. But you have to try first.

John W.