On May 21, 3:39 pm, "John W." <worthj1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5月21日, 午後2:53, Declan Murphy <declan_mur...@hotmail.com> wrote:> On May 17, 4:12 am, "John W." <worthj1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Did you get my email? Need to firm up plans for getting together.
> > > John W.
> > Looks like I sent you straight to SPAM! Sorrybouthat.
> I'm trying to remember if I ever did anything to deserve such
> treatment. Probably. :)
> > How about serious drinkies in Hosannah on Monday night? Leaving
> > Okazaki around 5ish, I wouldn't be able to get there until about 9ish,
> > and then we stay until we close the bar down? You may have an
> > interesting hangover the following morning.
> That sounds like a plan. I'm meeting an Austrian friend there tonight
> so I'll do my best not to ruin my reputation. Where will you stay? I'd
> invite you into the inlaw's place but it's a 3K that really just a 2K
> and this other little room big enough for our futon.
> John

I'm booked into the Nikko opposite the station. If I'm going to crawl
home, home should be reasonably more classy than your in-law's spare