On 30 Mar 2005 10:40:36 -0800, "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com>
brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>Eric Takabayashi wrote:
>> "John W." wrote:
>> > A friend of mine works for a prefectural government's office as a
>> > researcher and he said there's a growing belief that it's not
>> > the pollen but the pollen combined with pollution that's the
>> > People who live in areas with lower pollution levels don't
>> > have the allergy, while urban areas are generally more affected.
>> >
>> > Personally I think the whole sugi allergy situation is kind of
>> > fascinating, since it's such a home-brewed problem.
>> I like the story of one researcher who claims that intestinal
>> (worms) secrete some substance which protects its host from the
>effects of
>> pollen, and that the rise of allergies is linked to the decline in
>> Japanese with worms. He prescribes ingesting worm larvae (up to about
>> were claimed safe) to combat the problem.
>I've heard similar things before. Somewhere I saw that doctors are
>experimenting with using leeches to heal burn victims because they eat
>the dead flesh and secrete something that's beneficial.
>What's interesting is that Japan's insistence on planting sugi over the
>years without much focus on biodiversity.

Here in Kiryu someone spotted smoke billowing up from the mountains in
the north part of town and reported a forest fire. The fire department
dashed up there and discovered that what looked for all the world like
a forest fire was actually the fucking pollen blowing off the trees.


Michael Cash

"Clowns to the left of me and jokers to the right, Mr. Cash.
Clowns and jokers."

                                Prof. Ernest T. Bass
                                Mount Pilot College