On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 06:02:19 GMT, "ifignow" <ifignow@coldmail.com>
brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>" Louise Bremner" <dame_zumari@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> I'm not sure I understand the logic of that. If your intentions really
>> are honorable, the parents of young single women ought to welcome you.
>> As a gaigin, you are excused from most of the more subtle aspects of
>> such relationships.
>1. It's spelled gaijin.

Not here, it ain't.

>2. If you think that way, it goes to show you don't understand this place.

You'd think after a quarter century (give-r-take) in this dump she'd
have a better grasp, wouldn't you. I find it inexcusable.


Michael Cash

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