 sybex ocp books ,free ocp exams, oracle simulators
: oracle9i dba, new features,sqlJ,jdeveloper,newest
: DBA ACCESS Testing simulating exams;
: BIBLE completing edition;CRAMSESSION's ALLfor 8i,DBA CERTIFICATE,
: STS(5 exams completed,)TROYTEC all stuff
: BOSON formal version ,including JAVA,SUN's contents
: ORACLE's all certified materials included,over 500 testing exams and
standard answers?
: ORACLE company tutorship books and answers.
: Oracle ERP/CRM
: Sybase DBA Stuff and User's Guide
: Developer200 stuff and books
: DBA script
: UNIX cluster
: DB2
: RevealNet knowledgeBase
: Oracle reference
: Oracle9i newest stuff(including SQLJ),jdeveloper's,
: JDBC,pro.c,XMLand java
: Netg ocp programs

: also including the following books:
: Oracle Application Server Web Toolkit Reference 
: Oracle Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques 
: Oracle PL/SQL Tips & Techniques 
: Oracle8i Web Development 
: Oracle9i Web Development 
: Oracle8i DBA Exam Cram: SQL and PL/SQL 
: Oracle8 DBA Exam Cram: SQL and PL/SQL 
: Oracle8 DBA Exam Cram: Performance Tuning 
: Oracle8 Black Book 
: UNIX System Administrator's Companion 
: Oracle8i Administration and Management 
: Oracle SQL & PL/SQL Annotated Archives 
: Oracle8 Advanced Tuning & Administration 
: Oracle8i: The Complete Reference 
: Oracle8i DBA Handbook 

: bible ebook collection, ocp book, sts, troytec
: book collection, boson, java, javatutor sun.
: 8i hand, oracle error, cramsession,dba
: oracle performance,whole oracle documentable
: Pl/sql,whole etc.

: 1. ILT stuff for DBA,DEV,DBO
: 2. Coursewares for DBA,DEV:
: CBT(Oracle8,8i,DEV2000),
: Technology-Based Training(TBT/NetG) for Oracle Certification ( OCP
bundles )
: Same as NetG coursewares
: Oracle 8 track
: Oracle 8i track
: Application Developer, Oracle Developer, Release 2 track
: 3. STS for almost all exams ( Total 24 subjects for DBA,DEV,DBO ...
: 4. Sybex OCP 8i DBA 3 ebooks:
: OCP: Oracle8i Dba Sql and Pl/Sql Study Guide : Exam 1Z0-001 by Chip
: OCP: Oracle8i DBA Architecture & Administration and Backup &
Recovery Study Guide by Doug Stuns
: OCP: Oracle8i DBA Performance Tuning and Network Administration
Study Guide by Joseph C. Johnson
: 5. Cheet-sheets:
: 1z0-001(SQL,PL/SQL), 1z0-013e(8DBA), 1z0-026(8iNetAdmin),
: 1Z0-101e(DevelopingPLSQLProgramUnits)
: 1Z0-111 Developer/2000 Forms 4.5 I (Last Updated: 3/6/01 )
: 1Z0-112 Developer/2000 Forms 4.5 II (Last Updated: 3/10/01)
: 6. Troytec Exam guide products for OCP:
: Intro to SQL & PL/SQL 1Z0-001, Database Admin 1Z0-013, Backup &
Recovery 1Z0-015,
: Performance Tuning 1Z0-014, Network Admin 1Z0-016, Program Units
: 7. a lot of Exam Guides
: 8. Braindumps, real test questions
: 9. Boson Test v3.38 for OCP
: Oracle 8 Database Admin (1Z0-013) 324 test Questions
: Oracle 8i Database Admin (1Z0-023) 287 test Questions
: 10. a lot of Oracle related E-books:
: Oracle 8 Certified Professional DBA Certification Exam Guide ( for
OCP 8 DBA track )
: Oracle 8i Certified Professional DBA Certification Exam Guide
: by Ulrike Schwinn, Jason S. Couchman, Jeremy Judson ( for OCP 8i DBA
track ) ISBN:
: 0072130601
: ( Only got 3 chapters for NetAdmin in PDF files, and 300+ Questions
FastTrak test program )
: Oracle8i Certified Professional DBA Practice Exams ( with
BeachFrontQuizzer test software, more than
: 1000Qs )
: (by Jason S. Couchman,McGraw-Hill Higher Education; ISBN: 0072133414
: Oracle Certified Professional Application Developer Exam Guide ( for
OCP DEV track ) by Christopher
: Allen
: OCP: Oracle8i DBO Study Guide ( Sybex, by Lance Mortensen, with
FlashCards )
: Oracle Certified Professional DBO Certification Exam Guide ( for OCP
DBO track ) by Jason S. Couchman
: Oracle8 Certified Professional: DBA Practice Exams (700+Questions)
by Jason S. Couchman
: Oracle Certified Professional Financial Applications Consultant Exam
Guide ( for OCP Financial
: Applications Consultant track ) by Christopher Allen, Vivian Chow.
(Osborne/McGraw-Hill )
: Oracle 8 Bible,
: Oracle 8i Bible,
: Oracle WebDB Bible ( by Rick Greenwald, James Milbery, IDG Books
Worldwide, ISBN: 0764533266 )
: Oracle 8: The Complete reference
: Oracle8i: The Complete Reference (PDF) by Kevin Loney, George Koch
: Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days
: Oracle8 Black Book ( by The Coriolis Group, Michael R. Ault, ISBN:
1576101878, HTMLs )
: The Oracle PL/SQL CD Bookshelf: ( Version 1.0, by O'Reilly &
Associates )
: Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 2nd Edition by Steven Feuerstein & Bill
: Oracle PL/SQL: Guide to Oracle8i Features by Steven Feuerstein
: Oracle Built-in Packages by Steven Feuerstein, Charles Dye & John
: Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages by Steven
: Oracle Web Applications: PL/SQL Developer's Introduction by Andrew
: Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference by Steven Feuerstein, Bill
Pribyl & Chip Dawes
: Oracle PL/SQL Built-ins Pocket Reference by Steven Feuerstein, John
Beresniewicz & Chip Dawes
: etc...
: 11. Serial Numbers for RevealNet Oracle products
: Oracle Administration Knowledge Base V2000.2
: Instant Messages for Oracle V2.3.5
: Active PL/SQL Knowledge Base V2000.2
: Oracle8i Advanced PL/SQL Programming 
: Oracle8i Backup & Recovery 
: Oracle8i for Linux Starter Kit 
: Oracle8i for Windows NT Starter Kit 
: Oracle8i Java Component Programming with EJB, CORBA, and JSP 
: Oracle8i SQLJ Programming 
: Oracle8i Tips & Techniques 
: Oracle8i Web Development 
: Oracle8: A Beginner's Guide 
: Oracle8 Data Warehousing 
: Oracle8 DBA Handbook 
: Oracle8 PL/SQL Programming 
: Oracle8 Tuning 
: Advanced Oracle Tuning and Administration 
: Oracle 24x7 Tips and Techniques 
: Oracle: A Beginner's Guide 
: Oracle Application Server Web Toolkit Reference 
: Oracle Backup and Recovery, 7.3 Edition 
: Oracle Certified Professional DBA Certification Exam Guide (CD Fix) 
: Oracle DBA 101 
: Oracle DBA Handbook, 7.3 Edition 
: Oracle Developer 2000 Handbook, Second Edition 
: Oracle Developer Advanced Forms and Reports 
: Oracle Developer Starter Kit 
: Oracle Financials Handbook 
: Oracle High Performance SQL Tuning 
: Oracle High Performance Tuning with STATSPACK 
: Oracle JDeveloper 3 Handbook 
: Oracle JDeveloper 
: Oracle Performance Tuning Tips and Techniques 
: Oracle Power Objects Handbook (Part 1) 
: Oracle Power Objects Handbook (Part 2) 
: Oracle PL/SQL 101 
: Oracle PL/SQL Programming 
: Oracle PL/SQL Tips and Techniques 
: Oracle XML Handbook 
: Tuning Oracle