HEADLINES and NEWS LINKS Courtesy of TvNewsLies.org
Jesse's Blog: http://www.tvnewslies.org/blog/
May 02,2007

MILITARY & VETERANS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#military

* Iraq Generals to President: You've Failed Us
**President Bush shifts blame to the troops - BLAME it on the
   military, but make it look like you're supporting the troops.
   That's been the convenient gambit of failed emperors
   throughout history as they witnessed their empires decline.

WAR : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#war

* Hoon admits fatal errors in planning for postwar Iraq
* Price tag for war in Iraq on track to top $500 billion
* Who’s Counting the Dead?

POLITICS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news#politics

* Interior official quits ahead of hearing
* Mike Gravel isn't "Funny" at All - What does it take for people
   to understand that Mike Gravel is telling the truth and that he
   is the ONLY one that is telling the truth! What does it take for
   the American public to learn to think for themselves and not let
   people on the television tell them how to think?

ECONOMY : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#economy

* Circuit City's Job Cuts Backfiring, Analysts Say
* Hershey To Close Calif. Candy Making Plant, Move Jobs Overseas

9/11 News : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#911

* 911: Can You Handle The Truth? - Unfortunately, a religious
   like fervor cemented by fear and denial prevents most people
   from acknowledging facts and easily-exposed misrepresentations
   by the powerful establishment.

CONGRESS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#congress

* House committee subpoenas former Gonzales deputy
* Boehner wins civil suit against McDermott
* Bush vetoes war-funding bill with withdrawal timetable
* Pelosi calls out Bush for 1999 statement on timetable.

ENVIRONMENT : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#environment

* California Hotels Go Green With Low-Flow Toilets, Solar Lights -
   Visitors to the Gaia Napa Valley Hotel and Spa won't find the
   Gideon Bible in the nightstand drawer. Instead, on the bureau
   will be a copy of ``An Inconvenient Truth,'' former Vice
   President Al Gore's book about global warming.
* L.A. tops list of nation's most polluted

INTERNATIONAL : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#international

* Colombia hires Democrat-connected lobby firm to woo skeptical
   U.S. Congress on trade deal
* Venezuela pulls control from Big Oil

EDITORIAL : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#editorial

* Open Letter to the Mayor of Hell - The 19th mayor of the city of
   Las Vegas, Oscar B. Goodman (that would be you), is a former
   mob lawyer and a recent spokesperson for Bombay Sapphire Gin

JOURNALISM & MEDIA : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#media

* CNN is Making me Dizzy Today
* News Corp. Makes Bid for Dow Jones

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#rights

* Tape 'reveals order' to shoot Vietnam protesters - "There has been
   a 37-year cover-up at Kent State. The commanding officers have
  long denied there was a verbal command to fire. They put the blame
   on the triggermen,"
* The Perfect Weapon for the Meanest Wars - The Mozambicans learned
   that children were the perfect weapon: easily manipulated,
   intensely loyal, fearless and, most important, in endless supply.
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