open socks4 proxy was used on 26 November for a
Hipcrime attack on nanae. And I got the port number by Googling so it
must have been open and was probably abused before that date.

It was used late North American Monday for a Hipcrime attack on
24hoursupport.helpdesk and the same open proxy was still there Tuesday
at 11:19 GMT.

At one time, RCN (formerly Erols) had the famous Afterburner on its
abuse desk. Now, it seems to have Dave Null.

Remember - go to RCN for your net-abuse needs. You put up a phishing
page? It will still be up on Valentine Day. You can get Giganews with
only IP authentication through RCN.

jollying everyone along
with comradely exhortations and giving out from every fold of his body what
seemed an inexhaustible supply of acrid-smelling sweat.
     A new poster had suddenly appeared all over London. It had no caption,
and represented simply the monstrous figure of a Eurasian soldier, three or
four  metres high,  striding forward with expressionless Mongolian face and
enormous  boots, a submachine gun pointed from his hip. From whatever angle
you  looked  at  the poster,  the  muzzle  of  the  gun, magnified  by  the
foreshortening,  seemed  to be pointed straight  at you. The thing had been
plastered  on  every blank  space  on  every  wall, even  outnumbering  the
portraits  of  Big Brother.  The proles, normally  apathetic about the war,
were  being lashed  into one of their periodical frenzies of patriotism. As
though  to harmonize  with  the general  mood, the  rocket  bombs had  been
killing  larger  numbers of people  than usual. One  fell on a crowded film
theatre  in  Stepney, burying several  hundred victims among the ruins. The
whole  population of  the neighbourhood  turned  out for  a long,  trailing
funeral  which went  on for hours and was in effect an indignation meeting.
Another bomb fell on a piece of waste g