John wrote:

>> Well, coming from someone who's just been through the same thing, the
>> only phrase I could recommend is
>> O musume kudasai  (literally "Your daughter, please")

That doesn't get any hits on Google. I'd recommend "Musume^san wo boku
ni kudasai".

> Hmm,
> After a number of years in Japan, that doesn't quite sound quite like
> what I want to say.  The closest I've been able to come up with so far
> is something along the lines of of "お娘に結婚させてください。”

This is a kind of fixed phrase with perhaps a few variants. The one my
wife asked me to use was "[her name] wo boku ni kudasai", which is
basically the same as the one I suggested above, but substituting her
name for "musume-san".

I wouldn't go for "o-negai shimasu", as someone else suggeted, because
that just isn't the accepted formula.
