tiger7891@excite.com (JOHN LEBLANC) wrote in message news:<bc0c7c65.0404130621.38466749@posting.google.com>...
> These traitors are not interested in holding those people 
> responsible for 9/11 accountable.  Their hidden agenda is 
> to increase the size of the Communist police state, and 
> wage war against the Bill of Rights -- Treason!
> Wakeup America!  Our republic is under attack by satanists
> who are attempting to destroy it.  Freedom is not free: it
> takes constant vigilance!
> THESIS:      Create a problem.
> ANTITHESIS:  Generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic, hysteria).
> SYNTHESIS:   Offer the solution to the problem created in step one; which
> would invariably be a societal "change" or "shift" which would have been
> impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological
> conditioning achieved in stages one and two.
>                TOP TEN PUBLIC ENEMIES
> PUBLIC ENEMY #1: David Rockefeller, 2. Henry Kissinger, 3. Pete
> Peterson, 4. Alan Greenspan, 5. George Soros, 6. Robert Rubin,
> 7. George Bush, 8. Warren Christopher, 9. Bill Clinton, 10. William
> S. Cohen.
> I would like you to imagine that the Mafia had taken control of our
> federal gov't, and most of our local gov'ts.  America would be in
> dire circumstances, wouldn't it?  Well, this is exactly what has
> happend; except a far more sinister organization has taken control.
> It is David "the devil" Rockefeller, and his Luciferian travellers,
> the CFR.  These people are responsible for the slaughter of 100s
> of thousands of people in their "banker wars."  Through the Federal
> Reserve they have corrupted our gov't, and stolen trillions of
> dollars from the American people.  They are now in the process of
> turning our Constitutional Republic into a Dictatorship.  They intend
> to enslave us, and put the survivors of the coming genocide on their
> "global plantation."
> Pete Peterson is the current head of the CFR and the Concord Coali-
> tion.  This man is currently waging war against the poor and the
> elderly: by robbing them of their pension benefits (Social Security),
> and cutting back on Medicare.  He believes that these proceeds should
> be used to enrich his globalist friends.
> This is a Zionist/Freemason conspiracy, and dates back to the founding
> of the Illuminati on 5/1(May Day)1776.  A Jew named Adam Weishaupt, who
> had infiltrated the Catholic Church was used by Mayer Rothschild to 
> start this Communist organization.
> Your only chance of surviving: is to network with your local law-
> enforcement, have your Sheriff deputize you, and demand that your
> state sovereignty be observed -- this means keeping the "baby killers"
> out!  Also, demand that David Rockefeller, his gang of killers and
> thieves (the CFR) be arrested, before they murder anymore of our sons
> and daughters (Bosnia, Kosovo, etc.).  I would also advise the English
> to do the same with the Rothschilds and the RIIA.
> There are those who call themselves Jews (Zionists), who are really
> members of the synagogue of satan -- rv.2:9,3:9.
> At the end of the 1000 years satan is released, and he seduces the
> nations of the earth, prior to the end of the world -- rv.20:7-15,
> ez.38, 39, 40.
> ~~