Over the years I have some issues with these critters.  On advice
received in this or the other W98 group, I installed a small app
(whose name I forget) that saved the layout and restores it from a
Rt-Clk seelction on MyComputer.  This works a treat in recovering from
those occasions when things go awry but ...

Somehow lately the desktop seems to get  rearranged like (western)
writing on a page - filled from the top left in rows.  As an addicted
desktop-icon-stuffer (there's room for about four more) who knows
where every one normally is, this is getting annoying and there is
obviousl;y a cause which i would like to address by means other than
invoking the "Restore Desktop Icon Layout" function.

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: news@netfront.net ---