The 2-Belo wrote:
> We have a report from the Dynamics Officer that CL has
> exploded. Flight director confirms that:
>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>> The only reason I considered PR as beneficial was the fact that it made me
>>> eligible for long-term bank loans (such as for a house). You can't get a home
>>> loan without it. This was the main reason I Took the Plunge.

>> Exception to the Rule reporting for duty, Sir!
>> Home loan ... yes
>> Car loan ... yes
>> Eijuken ... nope
> Well, don't keep me in suspense, dude, how did you manage that?

We just did it.  No special strategy was involved ... unless you want to 
count the befriending of a loan department manager from Fuji Bank.

First time was 1987.  We have bought and sold three more times since 
then.  We have not always moved up, just sideways to a more convenient 
location.  We're thinking we have one more move left before we're in a 
place where we want to stay.  Main point now is a nice house on land 
larger than 200 tsubo.

As for cars, I have received no-sponsor-required loans from Mitsubishi, 
Mazda, and Mercedes-Benz since 1983.  I just went in and asked.  When I 
was working in the securities industry, my company leased a car for me 
and it somehow ended up on my credit rating as another purchase / prompt 
payment thingy.

I'm not rich.  My wife's family isn't rich.  I think part of it is just 
doing good networking.  But, no one has EVER told me I needed Eijuken.

Now, I probably popped the bubble and the dream will be over.
