XiloDragon1 wrote:
> On May 6, 6:16 pm, "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_man...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Taoism is EVIL, it's the way of Satan, it's a SIN
>> and it must be destroyed!!!
>> You have to believe in the Christian GOD and you
>> have to do what HE wants!!!
>> You will BURN IN HELL if you believe in Taoism!!!
> I am lds and i no nothing about taoism, but in my religion, satan
> wanted to force everybody to do what god wanted, and have all the
> glory, but Jesus said he would give us all agency, and let the glory
> be God's, and in my religion, it is also a sin to persecute other
> religions and persecute those from other religions, because that's not
> what He would do. and at the last day, all the righteous will be taken
> up to the "judgement bar" in heaven, where we will be judged according
> to our righteousness, and the wicked will remain on earth, then the
> earth will be renewed and "recieve it's paradasiacle glory", or in
> other words, it will be burned with fire, (heavenly fire), and will be
> glorified, and the wicked will "perish" in the fire. but it is our
> choice to believe what we want. those who persecute the saints of God
> will be resurected and be dragged down into "the endless lake of fire
> and brimstone"(hell). but that's what i believe. u can believe
> whatever u want. (if u want to learn more, then go to these sites:
> http://www.mormon.org and http://www.lds.org) by the way, I am 12 but
> i am strong in my religion.

Dude, it's a troll

