Sam Minewire wrote:

> I'm a cannibal and I've just captured a human and
> I want to butcher and to eat him.
> But first, I want to cut off his penis.
> Which kind of knife do you recommend for cutting
> off his dick???

Firstly, you must be new to cannibalism.

Females taste better, the testosterone makes meat gamey.  However I can 
understand your choice, or lack thereof, as you're probably having 
difficulty attracting females.

Saving the penis for other uses(?)... guessed as much, make sure you use 
lube.  However I think you'd be pretty loose by now, having your cranium 
  stuffed up your rectum, would obviate the need for lubricants.

I don't have any experience cutting off genitalia, but I would think 
that a "(de)boning" knife would do.

Regards Charles