Declan Murphy wrote:
> On Aug 31, 1:03 am, ""
> <> wrote:
>> Does anyone of you know which of the 88 tempels are the nicest and in the
>> most beautiful areas if you cannot have the time to visit them all?
> #35 Kiyotakiji (   ) in Kochi was quite nice. If you are really short
> of time why not just do those around Tokushima only. Or drive very
> fast? :-)

Don't know how true this is but, I was led to believe that if you can't 
do all 88 at once you were permitted to do as many as you had time or 
interest for as long as you did them consecutively.  You can go in 
either direction, in ascending or descending numerical order, but I have 
heard that you aren't supposed to skip around and do random hits without 
causing karmic repercussions.

YMMV, of course.
