Are you afraid Mr. Rockefeller ?
Totskyism is the future...
Capitalism is the passed !
Capitalism system is not progressist, it is the barbary
for all the planet :
Comradely :
PS : What do you know about trotskyism ?
Could you explain that the first victims (more millions victims)
of stalinism in URSS was the realy communists, marxists, anarchists
socialists and trotskyists militants ?
PS : Actually peoples of ex.Urss and of ex."socialists" countries
said : "our conditions of life is so bad that we want the
restaurations of soviet's system with democraty and
without totalitarism and bureaucraty... liberalism had
destroyed our jobs and our human's contitions for
foods." They are regreting their Leninist's and soviet's
systems in 1917-1925 : Before stalinism's totalitarim.
PS (bis) : Do you think that Stalin was a marxist-leninist
for people or a dictator and killer ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cooper Rockefeller" <>
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 7:29 PM
Subject: Trots took Columbia!

> Trots took Columbia!
>    The Trotskyite Occupation of Columbia University By
> Durrell Cranmer
>    The 1968 riots at Columbia were not what they
> seemed. They were instigated
> by  Trotskyite faculty who aimed  to  take over the
> university administration
> from  within,  culminating in the presidency   of
> Walley Mondale's professor,
> Mickey Soviet.  They opened  the  university, like
> Fallujah, to all  radical
> comers, because they  knew  their  students  weren't
> radicals: Most   of  the
> rioters were outsiders.  The university was supposedly
> deeply in debt because
> alumni rightly did not contribute after the riots?
> Are we supposed to forget
> how much the Trotskyites pilfered until  that
> windowsill killed that freshman
> below?  The most  useful-sounding   courses were
> radical   propaganda instead
> because the Trotskyite professors  did  not "believe"
> in  accepted  theories!
> Young Americans   for Freedom  was denied  a   slot in
> Earl  Hall,  while the
> university blatantly funded Arms Race Alternatives
> (run by Earl Hall staffer
> Don Kent) which opposed  the Pershings  that brought
> down the soviets.  At a
> time when you could buy a rubber stamp with Stanford's
> seal in its bookstore,
> Columbia   persecuted  students  whose  conservative
> groups  mentioned  any
> affiliation with the university.   Now the university
> advertizes the  College
> deanship of   the late Arnold Collery,  forgetting
> how he  resigned over the
> fanatical Trotskyite  administration opposition   to
> popular  outsourcing  of
> Ferris Booth  cafeteria to  Arby's  instead  of the
> corrupt  and  manipulable
> university food service.  It was  the Collery
> Commission that kept university
> computing  out of  corrupt and  manipulable
> Trotskyite claws.  We  also are
> supposed to  forget how Mickey Soviet  hounded out the
> popular  business dean
> Sandy  Burton, causing  the entire   staff  to
> resign?   It  was not   until
> conservative students  and  alumni  took   things into
>  their  own hands  and
> delivered results of dumpster diving to the feds that
> Mickey Soviet, together
> with Stanford's Dumold  Kommedy, resigned over   grant
> fraud.  Mickey  Soviet
> wanted us to believe he resigned because his former
> student, his SIXTH wife,
> was dying?    If he  took his family   seriously, he
> wouldn't have   his son
> teaching at a dump like St.  John's.   Columbia used
> to  treat staff so well,
> they refused  unions, but  it was under   the
> Trotskyite occupation  that the
> unions took over, eventually leading to a  student
> getting AIDS from a rapist
> guard in her dorm.  How did the campus of Ike and
> Butler turn into a radical
> sewer?  It was because they stacked the  admissions
> committees with committed
> Trotskyites.  They  plead  bad neighborhood?  Their
> radical  policies created
> that,  too!  The  Cold War  cannot end  until  these
> Marxist collaborators of
> Edward Said are brought to justice!
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