TXZZ wrote:
> did the japanese write any respected books on the philosophy or art of
> war (much like china's "ARt of war" or germany's "on war" and if so are
> there any websites with it?

The Chinese 'Art of War' is well known in Japan.  The warlord that respected the
book most is Takeda-Shingen (1521-1573).  Takeda banners had a phrase
"Fuu-Rin-Ka-Zan" (Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain) from the 'Art of War'.


List of books on war philosophy:

http://www.nantaku.co.jp/sonshi/cd/sankou.htm  (J text)

Many books listed here are modern interpretations of 'Art of War'.  We can say
it is the most respected book on the subject in Japan.