LOL. Cricket ball softer than a baseball in a typical game. This would have 
to be the funniest thing I have heard in a while. May be you should have a 
look at  a cricket ball after it has been used for 80 overs and see exactly 
how soft it is compared to a baseball.

> I'm fairly sure,
> however, that a typical cricket ball in use in a game is softer than a
> basebal lin use in a game.  Baseballs are regularly removed from play as
> soon as they've been damaged in any way, so players never encounter one
> that's softened from use.  In major league baseball, for instance, umpires
> are required to ready six dozen balls before each game, and they routinely
> use most of them.
> --
> Roger Moore  |  Master of Meaningless Trivia  |  (
> There's no point in questioning authority if you don't listen to the 
> answers.