Michael Cash wrote:
> On 6 Jul 2005 08:21:19 -0700, "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> brought
> down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>declan_murphy@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>Bloody amazing stuff.
>>>Was just looking at my house in Sydney, right down to the last tree I
>>>planted. Wish the resolution was as good for the areas of Japan I
>>I find it interesting that the coverage of where I live in Nashville
>>(the state's capital city) is worse than where my parents live in the
>>mountains of East Tennessee.
> Hint: Oak Ridge is in East Tennessee
Hint: I can see the many individual cars at my dad's house in East 
Tennessee, but nothing near as detailed as my house in Nashville. But 
honestly I didn't try the new earth.google.com; I've used the 
'satellite' function of Google Maps, which gives a pretty good shot of 
Oak Ridge. Can't download the earth thingee at the moment.

John W.