"Sigi Rindler" <srindler@da2.so-net.ne.jp> wrote in message 
> Sometimes I need to print a webpage, but many of them don't fit the 
> portrait format of an A4 size paper sheet. I know I can try the landscape 
> format which will do the trick, but it yields more pages and it is not 
> very handy when graphics get truncated.
> I haven't managed yet to fit such webpages (Windows XP) into the A4 
> portrait format, therefore I wonder whether there is any software that 
> would reduce the font a bit to get the entire webpage printed in the 
> desired format.
> Is there such a thing? Any hint is highly appreciated.

The change needs to be done in the printer file. Canon's terminology 
(Lasershot) is something like "fit the page" in katakana. Haven't spottet it 
yet, however... 

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