Boody Bandit wrote:
> "massivegrooves" <> wrote in message
>>RnR Lesnar wrote:
>>>I'm pretty impressed by the new Zelda game.
>>>RnR Lesnar
>>The new Zelda game had been shown, or shown to some degree already. It
>>is a decent looking game, MUCH better looking than Wind Breaker ;)
>>It looks as though Nintendo had nothing...pretty poor showing for them
>>at the biggest event of the year.
> I can't believe there is zero voice acting in the game.
> I also can't believe that I can't believe there is no voice acting in the
> game.

You would think that at this stage they could get that in there ;)

> This is why I am so hard on Nintendo, they simply don't get it.
> Did you hear Miyamoto's comments on the 360 and PS3?
> They are headed in a different direction (technology) while we are going
> after a different audience.

I laughed several times at his comments. He or they (Nintendo) don't 
seem to get where things are headed, whether he likes it or not...agrees 
or disagrees. Things are headed toward an all-in-one-unit for home 
entertainment and eventually everything along those lines including PC 
functions (some of this already but not completely yet.) Him or Reggie 
forget now, but it was the G4 interviews (which have been quite good, 
Sessler with Allard from Xbox was equally good as these Nintendo ones) 
and they talked about what you mentioned, going after a target audience 
of something like 11-20 yr olds etc.. Am I mistaken or have there not 
been numbers out there that put the average age of gamers quite a ways 
outside his target bracket? They say they are not "kiddie" based yet in 
the one interview (the Reggie one) this is brought up by the interviewer 
and he says something like "we have mature games, like (he hesitates a 
little) RE4...(hesitates a lot more) and well we have most of the big 
games from the other developers/publishers." They just don't get it, 
don't have a freakin' clue. If they want to stay glued to the younger 
gamers fine, do it...admit it but don't try to fake it.

While we still know little about Nintendos "Revolution" so far there is 
nothing revolutionary about it. Unless it is the being able to download 
all the old games, which to me is just beyond weak. Most of that stuff 
has been re-released already on handhelds or available by other means. 
If you want to release this stuff again then do a disc like the Arcade 
Treasures or Namco Museum (think those are the right titles.) And really 
what thrill is there in playing these old titles on new improved 
hardware...none that I can see.

You can only milk those same charcters/franchises so much, and I think 
this might be the point that many of the die-hard Nintendo fans finally 
wake up and realize WTF is going on. Sitting around waiting for those 
couple of great games a year, if that, is lame...especially when the 
other two are putting out so many more. Nintendo is not IMO the end all 
of game developers as they may have once been or once considered. Plenty 
of other companies out there that are putting out as good if not better 
games and with much more frequency. Maybe the "Revolution" will turn out 
to really be something great, but at this point and with what Nintendo 
has done with the last two consoles I seriously doubt it. They look like 
they will remain where they are right now, last place. They have the 
handhelds, which that new Gameboy Micro is many more versions 
of this same damn thing are they going to release. Is this the answer to 
the PSP, is that what it is supposed to be?

The biggest event of the year and they really showed up with nothing at 
all. Almost looks like they brought out that version of the Revolution 
just to not be totally embarrased after seeing that the others had what 
they did to show off. They shouldn't have even bothered if they had 
nothing more to offer or show IMO. All it did was make them look bad, 
and they definitely didn't need that. So they showed Zelda and 
Nintendogs, which is so lame and something that has already been done 
before. Another version of the Gameboy...zzzzzzzzzz.

> WTF is this guy smoking?
> Most of us grew up playing their titles.
> Hey get this Miya, we are not kids anymore!!!!!
> Why aren't you making games for us?