Raj Feridun wrote:

> I think it's just hilarious that Samaritan Ernie's in this thread up
> in front of the jury grandstanding with his feigned outrage over
> "bigotry" while he regularly posts in this group declaring his
> (perceived) superiority over those he disagrees with and/or dislikes
> personally. It's hardly a magnanimous way to be with others and
> totally contradicts that image of himself he's hard selling. It's Dr.
> Ernie and Mr. Hyde.

I've noticed recent (past weeks or months) disturbing changes in a number of
posters' posts. They, like my differences with individual posters, do not
necessarily affect my view of them.

It surprises me that my own "credibility" was ever an issue with Ernest, or why
it matters.

 "I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that I can
shove more than three burgers in my mouth!"