Scott Reynolds wrote:

> On 10/20/2004 4:32 PM, Ernest Schaal wrote:
> > in article cl53u1$lse$, Scott Reynolds at
> > wrote on 10/20/04 4:26 PM:
> >>It occurred to me that you might say he was whitewashing Japan's crimes
> >>in WW2.
> >
> > Why would I say that?
> Because he prefers to read books about Salamis than about the Rape of
> Nanking.

I prefer to browse Weekly Jump. But even I with my limited knowledge can imagine
why Chinese for example, may be resentful even at the official level. Or why
terrorists and insurgents may be resentful (some claim jealous) of the US.

> > Can't you tell the difference between someone silent on a particular matter
> > and someone who says something didn't happen?
> I'm glad to hear that you think that people who are silent about
> something are not necessarily claiming it didn't happen.

No, but silence or inaction may indicate support, and in any case is unlikely to
improve the situation, which is why the general population not being very
concerned about changes in the history textbooks or curriculum, or not removing
elected officials with extreme views, is a cause for concern.

I do not blame your son for this.

 "I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that I can
shove more than three burgers in my mouth!"