Kevin Gowen wrote:

> Michael Cash wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 23:00:05 GMT, "necoandjeff" <>
>> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>> Pretty soon you'll be demanding that the newspapers say "Nanking 
>>> incident"
>>> instead of "Nanking massacre..."
> Or call Islamofascists who shoot children in the back "insurgents" or 
> militants. Actually, the "news" services such as Reuters already do that.

Why would someone call insurgents, the resistance, militants, freedom 
fighters or patriots something like "Islamofascists", and then claim 
that newswires were not being objective through their use of language?

"A large number of aliens have been applying themselves to studying in 
various areas inclusive of studying Japanese" - Masuda Nobuya, Director 
General, Immigration Bureau.