Welcome to another edition of PROUT Gems.

The quest for war


Narrow geo-sentiments are pushing agendas along today in situations that
involve world crises. Democracy has not ever been well developed and indeed
is used as a label to cloak other objectives. For over a century democracy
has been hijacked by political party dictatorships. Often there is no
difference between parties that stand fundamentally for the same thing
because of the popular culture and pop politics that must be played out,
pushing out the voices of debate and raising of awareness against narrow
sentiments and policy objectives. With the help of a media controlled by the
hands of a few tycoons around the world, it is quite simple to fool the mass
of people with doublespeak and easy for dictatorial processes in one form or
another to lead society astray. Propaganda is another thing in common.

War is not unity for humanity


It is so often heard that a particular country was never so united as during
the war. This is entirely due to love of one's motherland, since all of the
individuals hold a common ideal and goal -- to fight and face the perils of
wars. This common ideal is, however, a temporary phase that disappears when
the dangers of war decrease.

The true seed and development of a common ideal must be sewn from the very
beginning of a child's life through all our days on this planet and until we
depart. The only common social goal worth pursuing is the realisation that
human society is one. Such an ideal will never disappear like the common
ideal of facing the dangers of war, so the unity in a society founded on the
ideals of universalism will be everlasting. However great might be the
strength of weapons in a war, or however powerful their controllers might
be, their grip will one day be loosened. This applies wherever the goal of
universalism is absent. Evolution of human consciousness has always demanded
universal outlook.

Universalism does not depend upon any relative factor, hence it is free from
the vices of ism such as nationalism, patriotism, provincialism,
communalism, casteism, etc and free from religious isms. In war we often see
recourse being made to religious isms. Catch cries such as "God Bless
America" are constantly spouted by the US President, under the blind
superstition that such prayers will give victory of some sort. Such isms are
prevalent not just in the USA. Ism thrives on the narrow angle of group
interest. Among many other factors, ism is a major factor in war. War is not
an ideological clash for the establishment of any high ideals. Those who are
eager to establish peace should shake off nationalism and other allied isms.
It is utterly foolish and irrational to pretend that peace will come about
in the world through the USA superpowerism or US patriotism or US foreign
policy pretending to be a medicine for people of the Middle East. What must
happen is that each must move in unison with many, in synthesis and

True leaders of universal vision can never engage themselves in any
fratricidal war. Their only endeavour is to inspire people to develop a
pinnacled intellect and pursue the synthetic path of knowledge, action and
devotion, a path which is totally free from narrow, communal prejudices.

Universalism in economics


If the standard of living for most people around the world is not very high
because people's purchasing capacity remains very limited, then because of
the low capacity for purchasing consumer goods and because the import index
always remains lower than the export index, it means the area has to remain
a satellite of a developed country. Consequently, the balance of power in
the world is jeopardized and war is always possible. Again there is lack of
common vision and synthetic understanding.

So, in the economic field there is also a common ideal that follows
universalism, and this is that the whole property of the earth is the common
property of all and is to be shared by all members of society. All have the
usufructuary right, ie the right of enjoyment but none have the right to
abuse. Proper and just means of distribution and allocation of rights need
to be developed on the basis of collective interest. Thus for example,
people can hold their own title to their homes, but wherever the work
required in society extends beyond the family level, then those environments
should, as far as possible, be co-operative environments, eg co-operative
workplaces with shareholding participation, co-operative banks, etc.

None of the things and objects of the universe can ever be equal (in
quantity or quality) cent per cent, but from a basic principle that the
minimum necessities of life should be made available to everybody through
proper purchasing capacity, society can progress from there on. This will
immensely assist in the collective security of all persons and living things
on this planet and assist in peaceful existence. In other words food,
clothes, medical treatment, homes, education, etc, must be provided for all
through adequate purchasing capacity. If anybody gathers much wealth and
hoards it, that person directly curtails the happiness and conveniences of
others in the society. However, that tendency of capitalistic hoarding is
prevalent in society and business. The implications and results have been
disastrous. The person's want to hoard physical wealth is a behaviour that
is flagrantly anti-social. No-one should be allowed to gather excessive
physical wealth without the permission of the society. That is, no one
should be allowed without restraint to unceasingly accumulate wealth for
himself or herself. Excess wealth accumulation is a mental disease, in that
it shows the person's mind is incapable of detaching itself from the crude
forms of existence and there is an addiction to material things and money
due to a number of complexes, be it superiority complex, fear complex,
dislike for other, etc.

The surplus wealth of society after meeting the minimum necessities of all
will have to be distributed among persons of special merits according to the
degrees of service thereof. The objective is to allow people to render more
social service in their working and community lives. For example, in any age
where a bicycle is good enough for a common person, a motor car will be
necessary for a doctor. Having due regard to the merits of the accomplished
person, he or she has to be provided with a motor car with a view to giving
them greater opportunities of social service. Their remuneration (including
non-cash benefits should allow for it). When motor vehicles or public
transport is common then in some cases doctors who can offer more social
service may need a light plane, eg in rural areas. The Marxist dogma of
'serve according to your capacity and earn according to your necessity'
sounds well in the ears but will reap no harvest out of the hard soil of the
world. A system of distributing excess wealth based on ability to render
social service, all persons provided with minimum necessities through proper
purchasing capacity, and special amenities being provided to those who
contribute more to society - with the gap between minimum necessities and
special amenities always narrowing - will give dynamism to the economy and
form the physical base for a real society.

Forming a real society


Although different types of calamities may confront humanity, doomsday will
never happen. The very idea of doomsday is based on dogma. It is another
religious dogma. The calamities caused by human beings are mainly of two
types. First, many calamities are caused by the bifurcation and trifurcation
of society. The bifurcation of society is exemplified by the conflict
between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the recent war between North
and South Vietnam. The division of the Indian subcontinent into India,
Pakistan and Bangladesh is an example of the trifurcation of society.
Secondly, calamities are also caused by the destruction of the environment
and the indiscriminate exploitation of subterranean resources such as coal,
oil and water. One of the greatest causes of environmental destruction is

In the call for war, the need to take care of the planet and increase the
welfare of all its people is forgotten. Indeed war is the black spot on
humanity and those advocating it have darkness in their minds due to their
narrow thinking. While there is a higher thinking involved in solving things
by diplomatic channels, the problem here is that if that thinking is not
surrounded by thoughts of universalism it will not give rise to long term

If we take the full meaning of the term society into consideration, it will
be seen that until now human beings have not been able to form a real
society. A real society requires a psychic tendency of moving together in
unison. The glory of human society lies in the formation of a universal
consciousness inspired by exalted ideas. It is ethics or morality that leads
human beings to the fullest expression of their finer human qualities. So,
the concerted effort to bridge the gap between the first expression of
morality and establishment in universal humanism is called "social
progress". And the collective body of those who are engaged in the concerted
effort to conquer this gap, is called "society". (Sarkar)

If India builds a society for only Indians, Pakistan for only Pakistanis,
and England for only the English, then three separate societies will exist,
but we cannot look upon them as the society of humanity. The same applies to
a society for Jews, another society for Muslims and another society for
Christians - all are based on narrow thinking. Because humanity is divided
into groups, one society will naturally try to thrive by exploiting the
vitality of others. On observation you will notice that efforts are being
made to establish so-called societies in some particular part of the world,
for some particular section of the people, and based on some particular
`ism' or faith. A narrow social consciousness based on such divisions lies
latent in the minds of the people or more so their 'leaders', so they remain
absorbed in thoughts of their smaller groups.

Examples of anti-social fissiparous tendencies do not stop here. Even in
different regions of the same country people do not live recognising each
other. The anti-social spirit of self-differentiation does not end here.
There are the even smaller groups and there is the anti-social eagerness for
relative supremacy in the social and economic spheres.

To what state has society effectively been reduced? Human beings have still
not been able to form a human society, and have still not learned to move
with the spirit of universalism. Although many small groups, motivated by
self interest, work together in particular situations, not even a small
fraction of their work is done with a broader social motive. By strict
definition, shall we have to declare that each small family unit is a
society in itself? If going ahead in mutual adjustment only out of narrow
self interest or momentary self-seeking is called society, then in such a
society, no provision can be made for the disabled, the diseased or the
helpless, because in most cases nobody can benefit from them in any way.
Hence it will not suffice to say that all people marching ahead is only a
collective form of segregated psychic phenomena; for in that case there
always remains the possibility of some people getting isolated from the
collective. All human beings must attach themselves to others by the common
bond of love, and march forward hand in hand, then only will we be able to
proclaim it a society.

Solving problems together


You will hear many a vain and assuming person say, "We will go it alone and
do not need anyone's help". Nothing could be more foolish than this
statement. No created being or collective or persons or country is
independent. No one can exist alone, everyone has a relationship with the
whole, at times prominent, at times indistinguishable. In this scheme of
mutual relationships, even the slightest mistake or discord will raise a
furious furore in the society. All have the same existential value, having
combined together to make the universal family. Similarly, in human society,
the importance of a powerful and eminent person is no less than that of a
disabled and dying patient. None can be ignored. The least injustice done to
anyone will cause the breakdown of the social framework.

In this universe of living beings there are some fundamental problems
applicable to all which are to be solved by all. These problems may be taken
as the common features in the life and dharma of living beings, and the
all-round health of living beings depends on the happy solution of these
problems. The more these problems are solved with mutual cooperation, the
more beneficial it will be. We must remember in this regard that rights and
responsibilities belong to all. Lack of consciousness about rights and
responsibilities drives social beings towards a tragic end. It results in
the collective fate of living beings being determined by a particular
dominating group. The vital energy of society is sapped through such group
or class exploitation or imperialism or one nationality claiming superiority
over another. Nature's wealth belongs to all living beings. What is a burden
to the earth is a burden to all. Disregard of these ultimate truths
eventually leads to disorder in social life, and society's potentialities
are destroyed before they have a chance to develop.

The truly universal or spiritual person understands these things. Where
there is no ideology based on universalism one becomes narrow minded. Human
beings always endeavour to expand and human life is an ideological flow.
Nationalism, patriotism, imperialism, superpowerism are not ideological
flows but rather are limiting and constricting sentiments of the baser
nature of the lower propensities of the mind. These may be called

Dangers of geo-sentiments


Now let us see what the impact of geo-sentiment is. This geo-religion,
geo-economics, geo-sociology, geo-social sentiment -- these "geo's" are
limited to a particular country or a particular direction. And those
countries or directions which are beyond its confines are considered
profane. To one group, judging according to this so-called holiness or
profanity, the east is sacred, while to another group the west is sacred.
Thus conflicts arise between these contradictory sentiments, leading to war
and bloodshed. People have forgotten the fundamental spirit of humanism, and
deviated from the principles of one human society.

So now we see that the greatest threat to the inner asset of humanity is
this geo-sentiment. Where does this geo-sentiment come from? Where does it
originate? It is born in that place where people do not follow the path of
rationality, the path of conscience. Universalism is the ultimate goal of
the path of conscience -- it is not related to geo-sentiment.

Geo-sentiment is very cheap. Universalism is not attainable by superficial
means. Something very great is attainable only by greatness. One must pay a
high price to buy a costly thing. Universalism is not so cheap; it is not
attainable by geo-sentiment.

Geo-socialism, geo-religion, geo-economics, etc, which are based on this
geo-sentiment, not only confine people in the bondages of limitations, but
also alienate one particular social group from another. And, what is more
harmful, different groups become violent towards each other, which is
extremely dangerous for human civilization. World 'leaders' or groups of
persons seduced by lower instincts hidden in the secret recesses of their
minds, surrender to these base propensities. This is the greatest danger to
society. It is interesting to note that the September 11 2001 attackers are
said to have spent time in strip clubs and gambling casinos before the
attacks were carried it. It shows that they did not follow any high ideals
which could be found in Islam, but their minds were crude, the attacks were
crude and the motive was crude. Now, the same crudity is taking place on the
world stage in relation to the 'go-it-alone' stance of the USA. No lesson
has been learnt.

The problem must be solved collectively. Only collective thinking has any
chance to inculcate some higher sentiments into the solution and negotiation
of the problem.

Collective action and processes


It is with the assembling of many individuals that a society comes into
being. In a society it is impossible for individuals to move exclusively
according to their individual inherent momenta alone. Although it may be
possible in the subtle and causal spheres, it is not possible in the
physical sphere. The totality of various individual flows of movement
constitutes collective social movement. Each individual flow is influenced
by the collective flow and strives to move ahead in adjustment with it, at
least in the mundane sphere.

Similarly, in the international sphere, a collective movement is also
required to solve problems and to move towards a common goal. There is no
doubt that there are problems in the Middle East that are causing
disturbance and that stymie peace in the world. They must, however, be
solved collectively.

Today the primary duty is to rectify the errors committed by the leaders of
different countries and to unite people in those regions through an
anti-exploitation campaign. This anti-exploitation campaign, be it against
excesses of royal families in the Middle East, excesses of capitalism in the
West, control of the economy by mafia type influences in eastern Europe and
Russia, etc must unite those peoples and in turn with each of the poor and
backward countries. A strong nation or group of nations will thereby grow
up. It matters little what name is given to that nation or that group of
nations. Although the anti-exploitation sentiment is important, this
sentiment will not be able to sustain a nation or a group of nations for a
long time. One day exploitation must cease. If it is not stopped completely,
it can be confidently said that in the future the intensity of exploitation
will be much less than what it is today. As soon as administrative power
passes into the hands of moralists, then exploitation will cease to exist.
In the absence of exploitation the anti-exploitation sentiment will die out,
and consequently a nation or a group of nations based on the
anti-exploitation sentiment will not exist either.

What will happen then? The sentiment of universalism will keep people
united. This will definitely unite the entire planetary world into a
'nation'. Then there will be only one nation a universal nation. Today human
beings, to whatever country they may belong, should, on the one side,
propagate an anti-exploitation sentiment (exploitation does not mean
exploitation in the economic sphere only, it includes all sorts of
exploitation), and form strong nations in their respective countries which
have as their base the need to elevate people; and, on the other side,
preach the theory of universalism or one spiritual inheritance which at the
highest conceptual level is that every living being is the child of the
Supreme Entity, and that all the people of all nations belong to the same
family. There will only be clash among different nations as long as national
feelings exist. People may talk of disarmament, but military preparation
will go on underground. But if people dedicate themselves to the welfare of
the entire human race, their respective nations will also be benefited
indirectly because their nations are not outside the human society!

The Universal Nation


A world body is needed to assist in this objective. The current United
Nations is of some, but limited assistance, as the isms of superpowerism and
nationalism also reign there. Ultimately, a new body being the Universal
Nation is required (see issue number 19 of PROUT Gems for details).

As long as the feeling of nationalism remains alive, mutual conflicts are
inevitable. Human welfare depends on the degree of psychic expansion. When
nationalism cannot embrace every human being, that nation cannot attain
perfect well being. The inculcation of the spiritual outlook will not
strengthen the boundaries between nations but will lead to the establishment
of a universal state, a global nation with a common thread of unity and
aspiration - the human nation.

Aspects of unity should be encouraged. Aspects of disunity should be
discouraged. Whenever differences arise, it is wise to ignore them. When
human beings come close to one another with a genuine feeling of unity, when
they share the common joys and sorrows of life, those external differences
gradually vanish as a matter of course, they are removed through natural
fusion. It is not possible to eradicate them by force.

Let us take the necessary steps to implement cultural synthesis and the
Universal Nation, where all cultures have a venue for their elevated
expression. Let us project the great ideals of all cultures for all to see.
Let us celebrate the Universal Family of Humanity.

- From the writings of P R Sarkar, annotated and formed into a collage for
this issue of PROUT Gems.


Compartmentalized democracy

By P.R. Sarkar

Now let us discuss some reforms to democracy. Democracy cannot succeed in
countries where people are illiterate, immoral, or backward. Countries like
England, the U.S.A. and France are suitable for democracy, but even these
countries need to introduce some reforms.

First, legislators in the states and at the centre should be elected on the
recommendations of the people at large. At the time of electing
representatives the people should pay heed to their education, moral
standard and sacrifice for the society etc. If the representatives are
elected keeping in view these factors, they will not be guided by party
interests but by collective interests. In their minds the interests of the
entire human race and society will dominate, and not any class interests.
They will be able to enact laws keeping in mind the problems of all and
sundry, thereby accelerating the speed of social reconstruction. Their
impartial service will bring happiness to all.

To provide a fearless and independent ambience to the administration, the
secretariat / executive should be kept free from pressures from the cabinet.
The cabinet should confine itself to legislation, the passage and passing of
the budget, the implementation of its plans and policies, defence etc. The
power of ministers should remain confined to the parliament and they should
not poke their nose into the workings of the secretariat. The chief
secretary should not be under the president or the prime minister but should
act independently as the executive head. All the secretaries should work
under the chief secretary. Free from cabinet pressures, every department
will serve the people well.

The judiciary should have the right to function independently. In no case
should the chief justice be treated as inferior to the president or the
prime minister. Only moralists and honest persons should be installed on the
hallowed seat of justice. If people fail to keep this issue under their
close scrutiny, injustice will take the place of justice.

Finally, for the proper utilization of the public exchequer, the
independence of the audit department too, is a must. The auditor general
should be independent of the sceptre of the president or the prime minister.
Only an independent audit department can keep proper accounts of every

Thus, there should be four compartments in a properly constituted
democracy - legislature, executive, judiciary and public exchequer - and all
of them should be independent from one another. But in such a situation
there is still the possibility of injustice and exploitation. So to
supervise or monitor the function of all these compartments, the benevolent
rule of moralism is required so that universalism will reign supreme.

P R Sarkar

17 July 1961, Bettiah, Bihar

Prout in a nutshell 14



By P.R. Sarkar

Let us now discuss democracy. It is claimed that democracy is government of
the people, by the people and for the people. After the proletarian era at
the beginning of the social cycle power passed into the hands of tribal
chiefs. In the course of time clan leaders became feudal kings. The theory
of democracy was born out of feelings of revolt against the tyranny of the
monarchy exercised by these feudal kings. The history of democracy is very
ancient. History teaches us that it originated during the reign of the
Licchavii Dynasty in ancient India. Being so ancient, it is not surprising
that democracy has some defects.

Let us now analyse the assertion, "Democracy is government by the people".
In a democracy, do people have the requisite education and consciousness to
judge what is right or what is wrong, what they should do or what they
should not do? Does the power of understanding and judgement come as soon as
one attains a prescribed age? Is age the yardstick of wisdom and education?
Alas, this happens to be the accepted fact! If those who talk big about the
democratic system read the history of the Licchavii Royal Dynasty they would
learn that in those days not everyone had voting rights. Only the Licchavii
leaders, not the people in general, could exercise and enjoy adult
franchise. Democracy can only be effective and fruitful where there is no
kind of exploitation.

Every person has certain minimum requirements in life which must be
guaranteed. There may be a little adjustment in these minimum requirements
as per differences in time, space and person. The people of Kashmir may need
a greater quantity of warm clothing. Therefore, they should be provided with
more woollen clothes than the people of Bihar. The minimum requirements vary
with the change of era and time. In ancient times, people were satisfied
with a dhoti [a piece of skirt-cloth], a shirt and a pair of wooden sandals.
Not only that, they did not even feel the need for shoes. But today a suit
is an absolute necessity. In olden days people would travel long distances
on foot, but today a cycle or motorcar has become essential.

True democracy requires that the minimum necessities of life be provided to
all through proper and adequate purchasing capacity. Minimum necessities
must be provided to every individual. There is no limit to these minimum
requirements. Every progressive society should bear in mind that the minimum
requirements will go on increasing day by day. In the not too distant future
a day will come when every individual will acquire access to rocket. Then,
for example, it will be very common for one's father's house to be on this
planet and one's father-in-law's house to be on Venus.

The social system that will come into being, keeping parallelism and harmony
with time, space and person, will be called progressive socialism. Our Prout
is that very progressive socialism. Society will have to make provisions to
ensure an increase in the living standard of every individual. When
progressive socialism is established within the framework of democracy, then
democracy will be successful. Otherwise, government of the people, by the
people and for the people will only mean government of fools, by fools and
for fools.

Mass education is one of the basic necessities for the successful and
effective running of democracy. In some cases even educated people unjustly
abuse their voting rights. In many countries, people cast their votes at the
insistence and inducement of misguided local leaders. To approach a polling
booth like a herd of cattle to cast votes in ballot boxes is meaningless. Is
this not a farce in the name of democracy? Thus, the spread of education and
proper knowledge is essential.

Education does not only mean literacy or alphabetical knowledge. In my
opinion, real education means proper, adequate knowledge and the power of
understanding. In other words, education should impart an awareness of who I
am and what I ought to do. Full knowledge about these things is what
education means. Merely having some acquaintance with the alphabet is no
education. Literacy certainly serves some purpose. I am not saying that
literacy is absolutely useless and lifeless. There were some countries in
South America where only literate people enjoy franchise. Political parties
in these countries launched literacy campaigns and people naturally cast
their votes in favour of those parties, which have made them literate. Thus,
the government remains free from all responsibilities and expenditures in
this regard! But this system cannot serve its full-intended purpose. First,
it is not reasonable to think that mere literacy will awaken full wisdom
about what to do and what not to do. Second, if the responsibility of
literacy is left to political parties, then those political parties will
spread their respective party propaganda popularising themselves among the
people. People will become intellectually bankrupt, and this curse will
undermine their rational judgement and discrimination. Nevertheless,
education is of prime importance. Without education democracy can never be

Morality is the second fundamental factor for the success of democracy.
People sell their votes because they lack morality. There are some countries
in the world where votes are bought and sold. Can we call it democracy? Is
it not a farce? Democracy cannot succeed unless 51% of the population
follows principles of ethics and morality. Where corrupt and immoral persons
are in the majority, leaders will inevitably be elected among these immoral
people. Today there are too many obstacles on the path of morality. Urban
civilisation is one of the chief reasons of moral degeneration because many
people are compelled to live undesirably in small, congested places. This is
inimical to morality in individual life. Solitary living for some time is
essential for the cultivation and development of morality.

In a democratic society immorality is a big issue, which cannot be avoided.
The ghost of immorality lies hidden in today's democratic system. This
situation induces sentiments like provincialism, communalism, casteism,
sexism, racism, etc, which are devoid of morality. Suppose that in a certain
constituency person A represents a majority community, but B, C, and D are
capable and competent representatives. In such circumstances, representative
A may be able to fully exploit the majority community by kindling
narrow-minded communal sentiments in order to win elections. Such
anti-social activities create suspicion in people's minds and thus deal a
staggering blow to their morality. In some democratic systems social
discrimination becomes so rampant that different groups and parties find
ample scope to propagate and disseminate their defective ideas and
fissiparous sentiments. So we see that morality, which should be the basic
factor of democracy's victorious march, goes unprotected.

Thirdly, social, economic and political consciousness is also indispensable
for the success of democracy. Shrewd and cunning politicians may misguide
even educated people if they are not sufficiently conversant with social,
economic and political issues. Democracy can be successful only when people
imbibe these three kinds of consciousness. Without this awareness, the
welfare of the society is not possible either in theory or in practice.
Intellectuals, therefore, must never encourage unrealistic ideas of this

But even if these three requirements for the success of democracy are met,
the real welfare of the society is only possible by enlightened
benevolence - that is a moral governance invoking universalism or spiritual
outlook. Moralists, though in a minority today, have no reason to worry.
Once society is led by people who are intellectually and intuitionally
developed, there will certainly be no scope for exploitation and injustice.
Just because everybody has the individual right to enjoy everything, it does
not follow that everybody has the individual right to run the administration
of a country. For the good and the welfare of the people in general, it is
not fitting to leave the onus of the administration in the hands of all.
Democracy is not a simple system and is not highly developed even today. But
unless an alternative, better and more agreeable theory or system is
evolved, we will have to accept democracy in preference to other systems,
and make use of it for the time being.

From "Dialectical materialism and democracy"

Prout in a nutshell 6


