On Sat, 5 Jun 2004 17:06:20 +0900, a jap
<c9ruuv$1o77$1@nwall2.odn.ne.jp> posted in soc.culture.japan:

>"Ernest Schaal" <eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote in message
>> in article e91ad9af.0406041955.c4f0875@posting.google.com, SuperOutland at
>> superoutland@aol.com wrote on 6/5/04 12:55 PM:
>> >>
>> >> To the troll calling itself SuperOutland,
>> >
>> >
>> > Yes?
>> >>
>> >> It is not racist to point out your extreme bigotry, especially against
>> >> Japanese.
>> >
>> > In that case, it isnot racist for me to point out your prejudice
>> > against native americans, or people from osaka, or your blatant white
>> > supremacy.
>> Native Americans? When was that? I pointed out to an Hindi Indian that was
>> espousing the moral superiority of India that India has major problems
>> human rights. Are you REALLY so dumb that you can't tell the difference
>> between American Indians and those from the India subcontinent? Obviously
>> your are that dumb.
>> I commented poorly about one person claiming to be from Osaka, which
>> your tendency toward bigotry. Kaz is no more representative of Osaka than
>> you are of whatever locale you live in. Kaz is a racist bigot, who has a
>> self-esteem and who lashes out at the world accordingly. (Sort of like how
>> you do.)
>Your logic is way too immature. Doesn't make sense at all. Racists have
>excess self-esteem like you have, and that's the common recognition of the
>general public all over the world toward racists. There is no doubt that you
>are ultra-bigoted racist. You just don't accept anyone having different
>values. Laughably narrow-minded, and it's almost pathetic as Vernon is.
We superior white men don't really have anything against y'all gooks,
so it seems that it is you have a narrow minded view against us fine
upstanding racists.  After all, y'all gooks don't have nigger problems
like we do here in the good ole US of A, do you?

I even  signed up for tae kwon do lessosn last year and I prefer a
white belt because I ain't going to be wearing me no damn black nigger
belt.  I am also learning alot bout y'alls asian culture to, but I
basically just  want to be prepared to able and Jet Li them niggers
ass at the next bongo party in the unlikely they sell out of all the
ammo at the WalMart.