jono9999 wrote:
> "Ryan Ginstrom" <> wrote in message news:<>...
>>jono9999 wrote:
>>>Can someone recommend an insecticide that'll get rid of these critters
>>>without excess environmental hazard?
>>Getting rid of the rice should get rid of the critters.
> The apartment is pretty new, and I'm pretty sure the cabinet is made
> of particle board.  I'm a bit worried the critters will find the
> particle board glue nearly as tasty as rice.

In another world yes, but as these critters are Japanese they are 
therefore unique and will not prefer the glue. Throw away the rice. If 
you are still worried, remove all of the contents of the cupboard, wipe 
all surfaces clean with a sterilising agent (I use alcohol for 
commercial kitchens) and then ensure that the internal surfaces are dry 
(use your fan?) before returning the contents. If you are lazy (I only 
clean my commercial kitchen this way, my apartment I don't bother with) 
you could use a surface spray, but even then you'd need to wash plates 
etc before use.

>>>And how does one go about avoiding this in the future?  (Other than
>>>not buying organic rice).
>>Are you just keeping the rice in the bag?
> Yes, the rice was just in the bag, and the bag was in the cabinet. 
> So... what kind of container should I be asking for?

A rice container, just ask a shop assistant/housewife and you should 
find them easily enough. Though any piece of tupperware etc will also be 
fine. Then add the chili-pepper pods.

"Oh don't give me none more of that Old Janx Spirit/ No, don't you give 
me none more of that Old Janx Spirit/ For my head will fly, my tongue 
will lie, my eyes will fry and I may die/ Won't you pour me one more of 
that sinful Old Janx Spirit"