Michael Cash wrote:
> On Wed, 26 May 2004 05:00:01 +0900, matt@gol.com (Matthew Endo)
> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>Elbow <tokyoelbowNOSPAM@totalise.co.uk> wrote:
>>>I work in a pub (British style) on the weekends in Tokyo and I been told by
>>>my boss that if I we don't increase our present Sunday's takings I will be
>>>out of a job cos he will have to cut the staff numbers down.
>>>Its a large pub with a PA , big screen , lounge and saloon area so we do
>>>have space for something but just trying to rack my brains thinkiing what.
>>The first thing that I would do is to send a flyer/e-mail to the various
>>organizations in Tokyo that hold monthly meetings.  You could offer the
>>use of a private room or separated portion of the pub for their
> Whatever happened to wet t-shirt contests and mud rasslin'?
Nobody wants to see anyone here in a wet t-shirt, and I'm not sure being 
covered in mud would be much of a change from normal.

John W.