Chris Kern wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 23:19:19 +0900, Eric Takabayashi
> <> posted the following:
>>About a month after applying, and one month before my
>>spouse visa was going to expire (they told me I should
>>have applied at least six months before my visa was to
>>expire), I was notified to go to Immigration, and today
>>I picked up my Permanent Resident Visa stamp.
>>Unlike that Kansai ben Indian DJ (or was it the cook)
>>on Koko Ga Hen Da Yo Nihonjin, who says it took him
>>2000 pages of documentation and all sorts of trouble,
>>all I did was bring in about nine documents, including
>>the pages of the application itself, and wait. They
>>didn't even bother to come inspect the house, or call,
>>to interview us after requesting a hand drawn map of
>>the area and building. I doubt they bothered checking
>>up on my employment or finances, either.
> I notice your last name is Japanese -- I assume you look Japanese and
> speak Japanese well.  Might this have had something to do with your
> ease of attaining permanent residency status?

There are plenty of horror stories doing the rounds, but anecdotally I 
know a few people who got PR quickly. A blue eyed/red headed kiwi friend 
of mine just got his 5 weeks - translator, married, kids.

"Oh don't give me none more of that Old Janx Spirit/ No, don't you give 
me none more of that Old Janx Spirit/ For my head will fly, my tongue 
will lie, my eyes will fry and I may die/ Won't you pour me one more of 
that sinful Old Janx Spirit"