For teenagers of the "computer generation" gaming on personal computers, TV
sets and nowadays mobile phones is part of everyday life and equal to cinema
or TV. But can gaming be serious business, too? The new e-content report
"Mobile Games" from ACTeN says yes!

The 3rd ACTeN e-content report illuminates this hot topic from the content
industry perspective.

Who are the key market players? Which business models and workflows are used
in the mobile gaming sector? What are the main technological developments
and revenue sources of this risky business? What is the role of game
designers, publishers and distributors in the value creation process?

Read what is happening in mobile gaming and get your update on key trends in
the e-content industry!

Download the full report " Mobile Gaming" from ! (PDF, 1 MB, 27


The report was composed in the framework of ACTeN (Anticipating Content
Technology Needs), an EU-funded thematic network which aims at stimulating
the development of an European e-content industry

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