You are an extortionist and ripping people off

"Mirco Vivaldo" <> wrote in message
> Dear friends
> I'm writing to you because I need your help.
> My problem is that, unfortunatly, me and my girlfriend don't have
> money to get married.
> We are engaged since 3 years.
> My parents are overflowed of debts and they cannot help us.
> Her parents, instead, don't want us to get married because they know that
> wouldn't be a good husband because I don't have money.
> Her parents have spent all their money to cure a father's serious heart
> illness.
> I asking you with big humility to donate us also just 1$ and to pay it
> my bank account.
> To: Vivaldo Mirco,
> Banca Antonveneta
> ABI: 05040
> CAB: 88330
> CIN: Z
> country: IT - checkdigit: 15.
> We will be very thankful for your big help
> "SHY_GUY" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
> news:sw6Jb.59481$hf1.57438@lakeread06...
> > I'm a 28 y/o male looking for A female penpal Between the ages of 18 and
> 23
> > to converse with. Photo preferable.
> >
> >
> >
> >