On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 22:10:40 +1300, "Adam Whyte-Settlar"
<grawillers@hotmail.com> wrote:

>"Murchadh" <murchadh@shaw.ca> wrote in message news:401d07b4.540447@news...
>> On Sun, 1 Feb 2004 21:55:49 +1300, "Adam Whyte-Settlar"
>> <grawillers@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Murchadh" <murchadh@shaw.ca> wrote in message
>> >news:401c0812.12644181@news...
>> >
>> >> I accidently ran over a rabbit... and fried it for supper...
>> >
>> >You wouldn't have had much choice re the method of cooking.
>> >A W-S
>> The other popular method is to cover the skinned rabbit in clay and
>> bake it in the embers of the fire. However, as I always carry a large
>> wok on these expeditions (washpan, goldpan, frypan, laundry pan - name
>> it) the fry option is easier and quicker.
>I was making a deadpan joke about the shape of the rabbit, but the wok is a
>good idea - you could use it as a hat to deflect alien thought attacks too.
>I have cooked rabbits in tin foil. Handy stuff - very light and takes up
>next to no space in a rucsac and can be used to cook loads of stuff in a
>camp fire. Thats what I use instead of a wok to prevent aliens from reading
>my mind.

I don't have that problem - most of the aliens we have here can't even
read English, let alone people's minds.
