Adam Whyte-Settlar wrote:

> "Rick" <> wrote in message
> >  I was just funning with Adam,
> I was 'funning' too of course.
>  >Raj. Playing off the subject header.
> > I don't think that the British hate American culture.
> I don't.
> I had already made several posts to this thread to that effect when someone
> made the usual boring, unthinking accusation of 'jealousy'. I responded
> directly and only to that post pointing out that - for me at least - there
> is absolutely nothing about US 'culture' that I am jealous of. The
> presumptuous loudmouths of that country just can't seem to live with the
> concept that not everyone thinks the US is great and get all defensive -
> happens every time.
> I also have no particular love for many aspects of British culture and have
> made 100's of posts to that effect also.
> But at least the British *have* some culture and they can also take
> criticism without their bottom lips getting all trembly.
> The reasons I decided to go on a world tour for as many years as I am able
> had nothing to do with my love or otherwise for things British - I'm just
> keen to see how the other half lives.
> --
> The adorable Adam Whyte-Settlar
>  - destined to be forever in the minority

I'd be happy to live up to how *my* half lives!!
My problem is that my parents raised me in a style that I can't afford... ;-)
Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
I've got a 'good' life. I'm content.
Well...fairly content.
But I'm a hell of a lot better off than some.