> Yes but changing the way we play games might work for some games, not
> others.

Its a new console with a new input method -  I'm sure some type of games
will die, but whole new styles of games will surface including improvements
over old,(FPS, RTS, Sports). 

If people want a conventional system, the Xbox360 and PS3 will be available
for them. What's the point of Nintendo offering the same? Besides they
obviously don't have the resources to compete at sony/microsofts game.
We've got a real choice next generation and it's a good thing IMO. 

> You example of Tennis could apply as well to Golf, but how about team sport
> games (football, basketball, hockey...) ?

Why not, you've got the analogue stick in one hand to control player
movement and the remote for shooting/passing(and that's ignoring the
buttons).If we want to play a lazy port from the likes of EA, we've also
got the option of a rumoured cradle adopter for the remote.

> So for those you still need a traditional controller.
Its also got a NES-style traditional control, already on the remote.