On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 16:53:28 +0900, Brett Robson
<deep_m_m@hotmail.com> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>necoandjeff wrote:
>> Brett Robson wrote:
>>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>>Brett Robson wrote:
>>>>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>>>>Brett Robson wrote:
>>>>>>>tm wrote:
>>>>>>>>I'm thinking of visiting either Australia or NZ later this year,
>>>>>>>>use up the ff points before the airlines go bankrupt. Any place
>>>>>>>>you'd suggest as a must see?
>>>>>>>What do you like? The desert is amazing, the Pilbarra on the NW
>>>>>>>coast is amazing but expensive to travel to. NE is tropical
>>>>>>>including rainforrest. SE is lovely temperate coastline and
>>>>>>>grasslands. Or just check in to a nice hotel in Sydney and eat
>>>>>>>and drink yourself silly.
>>>>>>What if I want to see the underclass?
>>>>>you'll have to stay in the US for that.
>>>>Yes. I'm sure the entire Australian underclass have moved to San
>>>>Francisco, like all good homeless people do.
>>>I tell you what. Go to Sydney's Central Station in the late
>>>afternoon and you'll be able to spot all the "homeless" people.
>>>Then at around 5:30 they all head off to the Salvation Army for a
>>>hot meal. After that they head "home", off to the Smith Family
>>>Shelter for a shower and a place to sleep.
>>>It's not exactly the Hilton, but they are looked after.
>> Doesn't sound quite the same as not having an underclass...
>Homeless people that aren't homeless, and poor people that are 
>looked after might be a tough concept for Seppos.

Better keep this under your hat. All the San Francisco down-n-out
folks will be moving to Sydney.


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College