Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
Vol. 13, No. 4 (June 2004)

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Surgery n-Triviality And Companion Tori
E. Kalfagianni

Constructing Ribbon Surface-Links From Real Line Configurations
Ikuo Tayama

Kauffman–Harary Conjecture Holds For Montesinos Knots
Marta M. Asaeda et al.

Classifying Polygonal Chains Of Six Segments
Thomas J. Clark and Gerard A. Venema

Universal Vassiliev Invariants Of Links In Coverings Of 3-Manifolds
Jens Lieberum

Legendrian Surgery Is Not Category-Preserving For Tight Contact
Jin-Hong Kim

A Class Of 3-Complexes With Infinite Cyclic Fundamental Group
Tony Bedenikovic

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