International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Vol. 14, No. 9 (November 2003)

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Persistence Measures For 2D Soap Froth
Y. Feng et al.

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation In Laminar Flows
R. M. H. Merks et al.

Structural And Electronic Properties Of Alp Doped Huckel Type
Cyclacene With Four Benzenoid Rings
Sakir Erkoc et al.

Local Complexity Of Protein Sequences
Saifeng Xiao et al.

Average Distance In Growing Trees
K. Malarz

Variable-Coefficient Forced Burgers System In Nonlinear Fluid
Mechanics And Its Possibly Observable Effects
Yi-Tian Gao

Phase Transitions, Memory And Frustration In A Sznajd-Like Model With
Synchronous Updating
Lorenzo Sabatelli And Peter Richmond

Monte Carlo Simulations Of The Ising And The Sznajd Model On Growing
Barabasi–Albert Networks
Johannes Bonnekoh

A Predator–Prey Model Based On The Fully Parallel Cellular
Mingfeng He et al.

Reduction Of Spurious Velocity In Finite Difference Lattice Boltzmann
Models For Liquid–Vapor Systems
Artur Cristea And Victor Sofonea

Life-Span Of Families In Fossil Data Forms Q-Exponential Distribution
Takashi Shimada et al.

Calculating Two- And Three-Body Decays With FeynArts and FormCalc
Michael Klasen

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