Philippine ladies are searching pen pals among western men. Please
visit our website at http://www, It is
completely free of charge to get an address from our pen pal agency. 

We put a limit on how many pen pals a person, man or girl, can have
through our agency to a maximum of 5. This is to avoid the all too
common situation experiences with other agencies that typically sell
addresses in packages of, say, 40 at a time, namely that very few of
the people you write to actually answer your letter. And no one can
beat our price. FREE of charge. You can't get it any better than that.

Why do we give away addresses free of charge?

There are two reasons.

1. To make sure that we are in compliance with Philippine law. Please
read our legal disclaimer on our "Questions and Answers" page to see
what that is all about.

2. We give away addresses as promotion for our web site to attract
visitors that might be interested in our commercial services, current
and upcoming. Our current commercial service is online auctioning of
real estate, businesses, antiques etc. in the Philippines. We have two
ongoing auctions for the time being. 

a. Properties in what is going to be a holiday village on Bantayan
Island in the province of Cebu.

b. A complete beach resort for sale in world famous diver's venue
Malapasqua Island. 

Please visit our pages and convince yourself that in the Philippines
you can acquire such possessions at a very nice price. If you were to
buy something similar in places like for instance Spain or southern
France you would have to multiply the price with at least a factor of

Our next upcoming commercial service will be mail-forwarding, email to
letter, letter to email between the Philippines (letters) and the rest
of the world (email). Don't wait 2-3 weeks for a letter to arrive with
your contacts in the Philippines, if it arrives at all. Mail theft of
letters origination from abroad is a big problem in the Philippines.
The mail forwarding service is due to commence at the end of this
summer. If you start writing pen pals there we guarantee you that you
will be interested in this service. The service will be available to
anyone who like to maintain contact with their connections in the
Philippines, not only pen pals. 

Kind regards